The Ghastprodder Deck
This is an oracle deck of the odd and unhelpful variety, inspired by Edward Gorey’s Fantod Pack. Ink and nib illustrations faithfully reproduced on card.
The Gastprodder Deck is for external use only. Produced in a facility that also processes snake oil. The publishers of this deck bear no legal responsibility for ill portents or hauntings.
The Tempest: exaggeration, fixation on a moment, spreading chaos. Inverted: consideration, a lasting burden, introspection.
The Wild Man: the unknown, nature, mirrors. Inverted: ignorance, untapped potential, misunderstandings.
The Chatelain: domesticity, preparedness, hidden allies. Inverted: over-complication, paranoia, lost keys.
The Beautiful House: self-deception, false trophies, inevitability. Inverted: consumption, awareness, subterranean rivers.
Each deck comes with a helpful booklet to aid in interpretation.
An example spread that definitely foretells something.
The deck's handmade matchbox-style case, perfect for foretelling on the go.